👨‍🔬AlphaNet User Guide

First things first, lets sign you up!

First, enter the AlphaNet using this link here: alphanet.glue.net

Please double check the URL before taking any further actions.

Click on the top right hand side corner to sign up. There are several ways to sign up, chose the one you prefer.

Sign Up With Ethereum

Majority of the wallets are supported, feel free to use the wallet you are most comfortable with.

For this user guide, we are using MetaMask.

Once sign up with Ethereum has been selected, MetaMask will pop up with a permissions request.

After confirming permissions, MetaMask will pop up with a 'Signature Request'. This signature will not charge any money and will not create a transaction. Once ready, click 'Confirm'

Ensure that the 'Request from' has the correct alphanet.glue.net URL before confirming.

Once confirmed, MetaMask will pop up once more to ask your permission to add Glue Network to the list of networks available.

After confirmation, MetaMask will ask your permission to switch networks to Glue.

After switching to the Glue network, you will be greeted with the following to recieve your Glue and USDg airdrop for the AlphaNet. Go ahead and click on 'Airdrop Assets to My Wallet'.

After processing, the AlphaNet test tokens will be available in your wallet.

You can now complete your profile with your email address.

Sign Up with Google

Sign in using your Google account by clicking on 'Continue with your Google' and follow the on screen instructions.

Sign Up with X

Sign up using your X account by clicking on the 'Continue with X' option and follow the on screen instructions.

Last updated