Glue Blockchain Explorer

Welcome to Glue's blockchain explorer for the AlphaNet, your all-in-one tool for navigating the blockchain with ease. Here, you can explore real-time data on transactions, blocks, and top accounts, as well as verified contracts, ensuring complete transparency. Our token lookup feature eliminates confusion by providing accurate information on token contracts, while a range of APIs offers developers easy access to on-chain data. Additionally, we support contract verification with six methods, making it simple to verify and publish smart contracts securely.

Access to Glue blockchain explorer:

There are many features here but the main ones for the AlphaNet are:

  • Blockchain: Here you can view transactions, blocks, top accounts and verified contracts.

  • Tokens: No more confusion over the token contracts, simply look them up and be confident that they are correct.

  • API: Available APIs hat provide easy access to on-chain data.

  • Other: Verify and publish contracts, currently supporting 6 contract verification methods.

There are multiple tools available under 'Blockchain'.

  • Transactions

View validated and pending transactions.

  • Blocks

View details of each block as they come in. Such as size, validator, number of transactions, gas used and more.

  • Top Accounts

View the top accounts by address, public tag, Glue balance and number of transactions.

  • Verified Contracts

A list of verified contracts available for reviewing.

By clicking on a contract, you will be able to access more details.

Last updated