Aggregation Strategy: The Glue Hub

The Glue Hub is designed to transform the user experience by aggregating the best products and services on the Glue Network. By simplifying access to trading, lending, and NFT marketplaces, and providing the best execution prices through intelligent routing, the Hub ensures that users enjoy a seamless, efficient, and secure experience. This strategy not only benefits users but also supports protocol developers by allowing them to focus on innovation rather than marketing. Glue Hub aims to create a cohesive and powerful ecosystem that drives the widespread adoption of decentralised technologies.

We are developing the Glue Hub; an ecosystem aggregation platform designed to curate and present the best products and services available on the Glue Network. The goal of the Hub is to serve as a comprehensive yet user-friendly gateway for retail users, addressing their most common needs while abstracting away complexities into an advanced user section. This ensures that the Hub caters to both casual and experienced users, offering a seamless and efficient experience for everyone.

Most users have straightforward requirements. They want to trade tokens, make payments, and earn yield without dealing with the intricacies of advanced financial products. For example, providing liquidity involves understanding impermanent loss, which is too complex for the average user to manage effectively and therefore, increasing the risk to the user. The Glue Hub will simplify these experiences by aggregating and presenting only the most essential and user-friendly features on its main interface. More complex functionalities will be available in an advanced user section for those who seek them.

Trading Aggregation and Best Execution

For trading, the Glue Hub will implement a sophisticated router that directs liquidity between all protocols on the Glue Network, as well as cross-chain. Users should not have to know which decentralised application to use; the Hub will automatically route their orders to achieve the best execution price. This approach ensures that users benefit from optimal pricing without needing to understand the underlying mechanics of different DEXs.

The trading interface will aggregate liquidity from all DEXs on Glue, following a rigorous vetting process and protocol vote to add new DEXs into the rotation. This strategy also significantly benefits protocol developers. One of the core challenges on Ethereum and other Layer 1s is the intense competition for user adoption. New DEXs often struggle to gain traction against established players like Uniswap, despite offering more efficient solutions. Developers, who are typically more focused on building robust protocols than on marketing, find it difficult to attract users.

The Glue Hub addresses this issue by being completely neutral in routing orders, prioritising the best settlement price for users. If a developer launches a new, more efficient DEX (e.g., a stablecoin-specialised DEX) and secures some liquidity, the Hub will start routing orders their way, provided they offer better prices. This creates an ideal environment where users receive the best execution, and developers can focus on innovation without the distraction of extensive marketing efforts.

Extending Aggregation Across Services

The aggregation philosophy extends beyond trading to other services such as lending protocols and NFT marketplaces:

Lending Protocols: The Glue Hub will vet lending protocols for security and start routing deposits to those offering the best yields and interest rates. Over time, Glue will have a capability to have a protocol that automatically manages withdrawing and depositing tokens to the highest-yielding protocol, ensuring users always get the best returns.

NFT Marketplaces: The Hub will relist NFTs from all marketplaces, providing a single interface where users can browse and purchase NFTs regardless of the original listing site. This aggregation makes it easier for users to find and buy NFTs.

Addressing the Challenges of Aggregation

While aggregation services have been attempted by players like 1inch and Paraswap. These platforms often struggle to gain major adoption due to limited marketing budgets and brand recognition. Glue does not face this problem since an entire ecosystem is being built. This allows for integration of marketing and brand-building efforts more effectively.

Instead of being a niche specific aggregation player, Glue will aggregate and leverage the comprehensive ecosystem to drive user adoption and engagement.

Last updated