My Portfolio
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Last updated
'My Portfolio' is your one-stop solution for managing all your addresses and accounts in one convenient location. With 'My Portfolio', you can effortlessly view all your assets, access quick charts, and obtain additional information without the hassle of searching and browsing the web.
This section provides a comprehensive view of your portfolio, including a detailed summary of all your assets. You can quickly access visual charts and key metrics that help you track your portfolio's health and make informed decisions.
If you have already followed the AlphaNet User Guide, your address has already been added. However, you can add as many accounts or addresses as you like.
For this guide, lets start fresh by adding your addresses and accounts. For this, click on the 'Add Addresses / Accounts' on the top right hand side.
You will be prompted with a pop up.
After filling in the name, address, selecting if you are the owner or not and category, click on 'Add Address'.
Addresses and accounts that you have added will show up at the top, alongside all your assets in a clean and user friendly way.
From 'My Portfolio', it is simple and easy to manage your portfolio as the option to trade and see the charts are available, only 1 click away.
'Trade' will take you to the the 'Buy & Sell Crypto' page where you can buy, sell and swap.
The chart icon, unsurprisingly leads you to charts. Clicking on it will start a pop up with 1-day, 7-day, 30-day and 1-year charts.
Through this pop up, the options to 'Trade' and 'Research' are available. Alongside adding to watchlist, sharing and changing the chart settings. 'Trade' will take you to 'Buy & Sell Crypto' and 'Research' will take you to the 'Asset Research' section.
In the settings, you can change the charts to your taste. Chart preferences will be applied to all the charts, but you can change them anytime.