๐Ÿ—บ๏ธNOT a Roadmap

This is NOT a roadmap.

The items listed below are not fully planned out, some have seen progress, while others remain purely conceptual. There are no timelines associated with any of them. These are ideas we would love to bring to life someday, given the right resources.

This begs a couple of questions:

Does Glue have a roadmap?

In short: No. Roadmaps in the tech industry, especially in crypto, often promise more than what can be deliver.

While we don't release detailed long-term roadmaps, we provide high-level product visions and mockups of future features to give users an idea of our direction.

Instead of a rigid roadmap, Glue has a backlog of ideas and tickets that are prioritized based on user needs, product requirements, and market conditions. This approach allows for flexibility and responsiveness to changing circumstances.

What is Glue's roadmap philosophy?

Our philosophy is to announce features when they are nearly ready for launch and to market around imminent releases. This avoids the pitfalls of over-promising and under-delivering.

Although this approach may be frustrating in the initial months, it leads to a steady cadence of feature rollouts and ensures that our marketing efforts are focused on tangible, deliverable products.

Crypto is highly volatile, and priorities can shift rapidly. For instance, if NFTs become a significant trend next month, we might pivot to focus on an NFT project. This flexibility ensures we remain relevant and responsive to the market.

By managing user expectations realistically and avoiding the trap of rigid roadmaps, we ensure that our development efforts are efficient and aligned with actual market needs. This pragmatic approach ultimately benefits both the users and the development team, leading to a more reliable and satisfying user experience.

The purpose of this list is to provide a directional overview of our product vision, not to serve as a definitive guide to deliverables.

For any items that do move forward, expect substantial iteration and changes along the way.

Many of these ideas might never be implemented at all. More importantly, many, hopefully most of these will be implemented by third parties. We donโ€™t want to do all of them ourselves, but we really want those products to exist on Glue.

With that disclaimer in mind, here we go!

Auto-Chain Swaps

Glueโ€™s aim and ambition is to offer a decentralized alternative to centralized exchanges. To achieve this, ensuring a wide range of tradable tokens is crucial. Centralized exchanges gained significant traction when altcoins began rising in prominence, and they responded by listing as many as possible. Our goal is similar, though Glue will achieve this in a permissionless and decentralized manner.

Our strategy breaks into two key components.

  1. Native Liquidity: Glue will offer incentives for users to bridge tokens and provide liquidity on Glue's native DEXs. This native liquidity will serve as the backbone of trading on Glue, with a significant percentage of trades ideally running through this system.

  2. Other-Chain Liquidity: While native liquidity will work well for tokens with high trading volumes, itโ€™s unrealistic to expect the Glue ecosystem to attract liquidity for every low-market-cap coin. These tokens will likely remain on other chains, with low liquidity and limited markets. Addressing this challenge will be a major focus after the launch.

One of the biggest annoyances in trading altcoins is managing dozens of wallets across numerous chains. Itโ€™s easy to lose track of them, which is why many people prefer centralized exchanges where everything is accessible from a single interface. Our goal for Glue is to offer a similar level of convenience, but in a decentralized way.

Hereโ€™s how we envision Auto-Chain Swaps working on the Glue Hub:

  1. You want to trade a low cap recently launched project. You want to enter this trade for 10,000 tokens at a limit price of $0.40 and you have $4,000 USDg to spend.

  2. The Glue Hub checks for native liquidity on Glue first. If it found sufficient liquidity natively, then great, swap. If not, itโ€™s time for step 3.

  3. A modal informs you that while there is no native liquidity, the trade can be executed on another chain, for example Avalanche. With an option to bridge the tokens back to Glue. You opt to proceed.

  4. In the background, the Glue Hub converts your USDg to USDC and uses Stargate to bridge the $4,000 worth of USDC to Avalanche.

  5. You approve the trade on Avalanche on Glue Hub and the trade happens.

  6. Another transaction then automatically bridges the tokens back to Glue for you.

Thatโ€™s it. The entire process is done within the Glue Hub. With no need to switch between exchanges, wallets or chains. This is technically challenging, but itโ€™s a top priority for us and crucial to achieving a seamless user experience.

Liquidity Router

A primary focus post-launch will be developing a Liquidity Router. This router will enable both the off-chain liquidity described earlier and allow third-party DEXs to integrate with Glue and benefit from the Glue Hub user base.

โ€œThe Glue Hub's mission is to ensure users get the best execution price on tradesโ€”periodโ€ SnapShot โ€“ Glue Founder

The concept is straightforward:

While Glue has its own native DEX, we are committed to ensuring that sending volume to it never comes at a cost to users. To achieve this, weโ€™ll implement a router, and the Glue Hub frontend will be designed to run through this router.

This means any DEX that deploys on Glue will have equal access to trading volume as the Glue DEX. The DEX offering the best final execution priceโ€”whether itโ€™s the Glue DEX, a third-party DEX, or an off-chain DEXโ€”will receive the trade. User experience is our top priority.

The goal is to implement this router seamlessly so that users donโ€™t need to know or care which DEX the trade is routed through. The router ensures the best price, the Glue Hub provides the frontend, and our growing ecosystem of third-party developer DEXs will be able to tap into all of this.

Don't Miss The Boat. Again!

Maybe itโ€™s just us, but we constantly lose track of tokens on other chains. Most of them are worthless relics from projects that fizzled out, but every so often, we stumble upon something that actually went bigโ€”only to find out we missed the boat, and itโ€™s tanked again, which is always a little heart breaking.

To save everyone from this same fate, weโ€™re building a tool that helps you avoid the chaos of scattered tokens. Hereโ€™s how it works:

  1. Input all your wallet addresses into the Glue Hub (weโ€™re still working on a solution for when you forget an address, but weโ€™ll tackle that one eventually).

  2. The Glue Hub will scan across all chains to find tokens that might actually be worth something.

  3. The Glue Hub will then offer you the option to bridge valuable tokens back to the Hub, so everything lives in one place. The Hub will handle the entire bridging process in the background. Itโ€™ll simply alert you with something like, โ€œHey, that meme coin you bought on Avalanche three years ago is actually worth something now. Want to bridge it to Glue?โ€ You just click โ€œYesโ€ and watch the magic happen.

  4. Once everythingโ€™s on Glue, you can either keep your tokens safely in one spot or trade them away!

Of course, thereโ€™s a bit of a selfish angle here beyond just saving everyone the hassle of cleaning up their legacy wallets: itโ€™ll be great for Glueโ€™s TVL.

A Better Wallet

If thereโ€™s one thing most crypto natives can agree on, itโ€™s that wallets kind of suck.

Weโ€™ve got some ideas that take a very different approach from traditional wallets, aiming to make them more user-friendly and intuitive. While weโ€™ve made some progress, weโ€™re not quite ready to share the details just yet. But rest assured, this will be a major focus for us. Without wallets that are simple, secure, and easy to understand, getting retail users to embrace self-custody will remain an uphill battle.

App for Easy Payments

One of the use cases we always expected would bring crypto to the masses is a PayPal or Venmo competitor. Blockchain is the perfect technology to make those services cheaper, better, and truly global. Thatโ€™s why Glue is working on an app that leverages our Asset Transfer L2 to create a super simple way to transfer tokens from one user to another. It will be fully decentralized yet incredibly easy to use!

The long-term goal is to enable payments at credit card terminals, making crypto universally acceptedโ€”but that part will be a bit more challenging and will take more time to implement.

Options and Perps

Options and perpetual contracts (perps) are extremely popular in the crypto world, and we know thereโ€™s a strong demand for them. While this is a complex area that requires significant liquidity and expertise to execute properly, weโ€™re optimistic about bringing these products to Glue. Weโ€™ll likely partner with an experienced team to make this happen, and weโ€™ve already had some promising discussions on this front.

Name Service

Typing in those long, complicated hashes and double-checking every character to make sure you got it right? Yeah, we hate that too.

Thatโ€™s why weโ€™re putting a significant business development effort into launching a top-notch Name Service. Our goal is to natively integrate this into the Glue Hub, making it easy and intuitive to send tokens to your friends or other wallets without the usual hassle. No more worrying about mistyped addressesโ€”just simple, seamless transactions.

Index Funds

If youโ€™re into crypto and your family knows it, youโ€™ve probably been hit with this question during every bull market: โ€œI want to get into crypto, what should I buy?โ€

If someone asked you this about the stock market and you genuinely wanted to help, youโ€™d probably recommend something like the Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI) and advise them to sit on it for a long time. Not financial advice of course. NFA.

Surprisingly, there arenโ€™t many solid options for doing this in crypto. Index funds of top tokens either donโ€™t really exist or, at the very least, arenโ€™t part of the mainstream conversation. Weโ€™re going to change that.

To help retail users succeed in crypto, we need to provide a simple, no-brainer answer. That answer should be passive index funds managed in a decentralized way.

Weโ€™ve considered several different implementations for this. Most likely, the tokens in these index funds should be yield-bearing versions, not just standard tokens like vanilla ETH. The idea is to buy and hold with no additional effort.

This could be achieved using staked lending deposits, liquidity provision, restaking derivatives, or even more actively managed yield strategies. We believe people will come up with a lot of innovative ideas; we just need to provide two things:

  1. The platform to create and list these strategies.

  2. More importantly, the users who want to buy them! Thatโ€™s where the Glue Hub will truly shine.

Reduce MEV

One of our major goals is to give users the best experience possible, and that includes protecting them from being exploited by MEV bots that sandwich their trades.

While the implementation is still largely theoretical at this stage, we are committed to making substantial efforts to reduce extractive MEV across the ecosystem. Users shouldnโ€™t have to understand what MEV is or how to avoid it. The Glue Hub will handle all of that for them.

This is a challenging problem to solve, but we have some promising ideas involving our partner Acurast's decentralized compute technology. Itโ€™s an ambitious goal, but weโ€™re excited to see how it can improve the user experience.

Alright, that's it. For now!

We want to build everything.

Ambitious? Absolutely.

Doable? Probably.

Our goal isnโ€™t to build most of these ourselves, but rather to seek out excellent partners and integrate their solutions into the Glue Hub. This approach ensures a seamless and straightforward user experience while remaining decentralized and community-powered.

Of course, there are some things weโ€™ll want to build in our own way, especially when we think crypto has missed the mark (looking at you, wallets). And for the stuff we do build, our commitment is to decentralize fully as soon as it's feasible.

Last updated