Future Role of the Glue Foundation

  1. Setting the Roadmap

    One of the most crucial functions of the foundation will be to set the overall roadmap for the network. Every six months, the foundation should release key focus areas for the network. This roadmap will help align efforts across the network, although entities are of course free to pursue their own initiatives if they choose. For example, in an initial six-month cycle, the foundation could propose three main focuses: acquiring 250,000 users, developing a ZK Layer, and launching a major initiative to fund Service Layer companies.

  2. Public Comment and Consensus

    The proposed roadmap will be open for public comment and amended as necessary to achieve consensus. This iterative process ensures that the roadmap reflects the collective vision of the community and stakeholders. Competing roadmaps could easily emerge as well.

  3. Soliciting Bids

    Once consensus on the roadmap is achieved, the foundation will solicit bids for work that is relevant to hitting its goals. For example, an advertising agency might propose a $5,000,000 budget to acquire 250,000 users. The foundation’s role will be to solicit, compare, and analyse these bids, then publish their findings. However, the actual funding will be determined by a token holder vote.

  4. Global Voting

    The global votes will focus on major line items to keep the process manageable. Initially, this should be relatively straightforward. The foundation will advocate for the proposed investments, attempting to convince token holders of their merits. Successful votes will result in the funds being dispersed via runtime upgrades, allowing entities to execute the plans. Traditional contracts will likely be managed by the foundation to ensure legal accountability for the service providers.

  5. Ongoing Evaluation and Adjustment

    This process will be cyclical. If an advertising agency excels, perhaps acquiring 400,000 users instead of the targeted 250,000, the foundation will likely propose extending their budget in the next vote. Conversely, if a service provider developing the ZK Layer 2 underperforms, they will be unlikely to receive future grants.

Achieving True Decentralisation

This multi-entity approach will drive genuine decentralisation. Unlike traditional networks where centralised foundations dominate operations regardless of how decentralised the technology is, Glue will progressively involve more entities in the network's growth and development. By decentralising both the technology and the operations, Glue ensures that its ecosystem remains robust, dynamic, and truly community-driven.

Near-Term Plans

While we cannot predict the exact content of the first governance votes nor of course if they will pass, we anticipate that they will include several key proposals critical for the initial growth and stability of the Glue ecosystem.

Allocation for Liquidity Incentives

Ensuring meaningful liquidity within the Glue ecosystem is essential for a seamless user experience. We will propose an allocation of Glue tokens to provide liquidity incentives across various protocols on the network. These incentives are designed to attract liquidity providers, ensuring that users can transact with minimal slippage and enjoy a robust and dynamic marketplace.

Allocation for User Acquisition and Branding

Building the Glue brand and attracting users is paramount to our long-term success. We expect to propose allocating funds to an advertising agency to spearhead a comprehensive branding campaign and a direct response user acquisition effort. This initiative aims to raise awareness of Glue, highlight its unique advantages, and drive substantial user growth from the outset.

Investment in Technology

To maintain our position as a leader in blockchain technology development, we will advocate for a significant budget dedicated to advancing Glue's technological capabilities. This includes ongoing research and development, improving existing protocols, and exploring innovative solutions to enhance the network's functionality and scalability.

Commitment to Security

A cornerstone of Glue’s value proposition is providing a superior user experience through enhanced security. The initial budget proposal will include a substantial allocation to one or more security providers. This investment will ensure that the network remains secure, resilient, and capable of protecting users' assets and data.

Ongoing Adaptation

The above list represents our current priorities but is neither exhaustive nor definitive. As Glue continues to evolve, the specifics of our budget proposals will adapt to the network's needs and the community's feedback. Our governance model is designed to be flexible and responsive, ensuring that resources are allocated where they can have the most significant impact.

The initial governance votes will set the tone for our decentralised approach, demonstrating our commitment to transparency, efficiency, and community-driven development.

Last updated