Goals of the Glue dApp Stack

Ironically, the product requirements to compete with a centralised exchange (CEX) are rather simple. Users need to be able to transfer tokens to other users for payments. Users want to be able to buy and sell as broad of a selection of tokens as possible and they want to have the ability to stake their tokens to participate in the network security, consensus and earn yield. Combined with a good user experience (UX), easy onboarding, excellent security, and decent customer support. These are the core requirements needed to be met to compete against CEXs. These straightforward yet critical requirements form the foundation of the Glue dApp stack.

User Experience Comes First

For Glue to provide a great user experience, it is essential that users are not forced to navigate a confusing array of decentralised exchanges (DEXs). The current landscape, where users need to know that Curve is best for trading stablecoins while Uniswap is preferred for more volatile tokens, is overly complex and a significant barrier to entry. The process needs to be simplified.

To achieve this simplicity, Glue needs to offer a single, intuitive frontend. While the Glue Network remains completely permissionless to foster innovation, there must be a user-facing interface that curates the best technologies, makes them easily accessible, and aggregates them in a cohesive manner. This interface should serve as a one-stop-shop for users, offering seamless access to the best trading, payment, and staking solutions available.

Prioritising User Experience in All Decisions

Every decision made in the development and deployment of the Glue dApp stack should be geared towards optimising the user experience. This includes not only creating a straightforward and user-friendly frontend but also ensuring the best possible trade settlement prices.

Key elements of the user experience that Glue aims to perfect include:

  1. Unified Trading Interface: Users should be able to buy and sell a wide range of tokens through a single, intuitive platform. This platform will integrate the best DEX technologies available, ensuring users get the best prices without needing to understand or navigate the complexities of the underlying protocols.

  2. Seamless Payments: Transferring tokens to other users for payments should be as simple as sending an email. The interface should support quick and secure transactions with minimal friction.

  3. Efficient Staking: Users should have easy access to staking opportunities, allowing them to earn yield on their tokens without navigating multiple platforms or understanding complex staking mechanisms.

  4. Aggregated Services: The Glue dApp stack will aggregate various services, such as trading, staking, and payments, providing a holistic solution that addresses the majority of the users’ day to day needs within a single platform.

  5. Excellent Security: Security is non-negotiable. The Glue dApp stack will implement best-in-class security measures to protect user assets and transactions, ensuring trust and reliability.

  6. Customer Support: To compete with CEXs, Glue is building a service provider ecosystem so that there is chain wide customer support. Users should have access to trusted and reliable assistance whenever needed, whether through automated help systems or live support.

By focusing on these goals, Glue aims to create a dApp stack that not only competes with but surpasses the offerings of centralised exchanges, delivering a seamless, secure, and user-friendly experience.

Last updated