Founders Tokens

To align the interests of the co-founders with the long-term success of Glue and to reward them for their foundational work, 15% of the network's total tokens have been set aside as founder tokens. These tokens are subject to a vesting schedule designed to ensure commitment and sustained contribution over time. The founders have committed to the spirit of this vesting arrangement.

Additionally, they have agreed not to engage in any over the counter (OTC) sales, hedge the price of the token, or use any other mechanisms to circumvent the lockup period. By structuring the founders' token allocation in this manner, Glue ensures that the leadership remains aligned with the interests of the broader community. The founders' vested interest in the success of the network, combined with their active participation in governance, provides a solid foundation for sustainable growth and development.

Vesting Schedule

The founder tokens will vest over a period of five years, with a one-year cliff. This means that during the first year, no founder tokens will be available for sale. After the initial year, the remaining tokens will be unlocked linearly over the subsequent four years. This vesting schedule is structured to incentivize the founders to continue their active involvement in the development and growth of the network.

Founder Voting Rights

While their tokens are vested, they retain full voting rights. This allows the founders to participate in governance decisions, contributing their expertise and vision to the strategic direction of the Glue Network. The ability to vote ensures that the founders remain engaged and invested in the success of the project.

Last updated