Service Example

Example: Customer Service

Consider a call center company looking to expand its revenue streams by offering customer support in the crypto space. This company can list its service on Glue, charging a nominal fee, for example $0.05 per transaction. Users who desire a certain level of customer service can opt into this service. Going forward, whenever these users conduct any transaction on Glue, the service fee is automatically added and sent to the service provider.

There is no need for prefunded smart contracts or additional steps by the user. When a customer has a question or needs assistance, they can call the provider’s customer service hotline. The service provider can verify if the user's address is opted into their service and then proceed to help the customer, for example, by assisting in retrieving β€œlost” coins.

Other Service Examples

This model is versatile and can apply to a variety of services within the ecosystem, such as:

Insurance Providers: An insurance provider could charge a percentage of the transaction fee to offer coverage against fraud or loss.

Premium Wallets: Premium wallet providers could charge a monthly subscription fee for enhanced security features or additional functionalities.

Loan Management Services: Borrowing and lending are fundamental activities in decentralised finance but managing loans can be complex and risky. Service providers specialising in DeFi loan management could offer tailored solutions to help users optimise their borrowing strategies, manage loan collateral, and automate loan repayments.

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