
This is where you can explore DeFi and staking opportunities. As simple as that. DeFi and staking does not need to be complicated.

There are two main features:

  • Deposit: Explore DeFi lending opportunities within the Glue ecosystem.

  • Staking: Explore Staking opportunities within the Glue ecosystem. Staking is not available in the AlphaNet.

Supplying and withdrawing liquidity into DeFi and managing positions does not need to be difficult.

'Lending Deposit' will show you the assets you can deposit to and the expected APY alongside the total deposits made for that asset.


Lets supply some Bitcoin.

  1. Click on 'Manage' on the right hand side of the asset. You will be promoted with a pop up.

  1. Decide the amount of Bitcoin to supply. Then click on 'Approve Deposit (1/2)'.

  1. MetaMask will prompt you with a spending cap request.

After clicking 'Next', you will be promoted for approval.

  1. Now, click on 'Deposit' to confirm the transaction in MetaMask.

And that is it. you have now successfully supplied Bitcoin in DeFi.

You can now see your position where you have deposited liquidity into.


For withdrawing from the position, click on 'Manage' and select 'Withdraw' in the pop up. Decide how much you would like to withdraw from the position and then click ' Withdraw'.

MetMask will prompt you to confirm the transaction.

And that's it for withdraws.

Last updated